Module pynimomodem.atcommandbuffer

AT command buffer parsing for a NIMO modem.

This module provides a bidirectional buffer model for sendind and receiving AT commands on a serial link to a satellite modem following V.25 spec.

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"""AT command buffer parsing for a NIMO modem.

This module provides a bidirectional buffer model for sendind and receiving
AT commands on a serial link to a satellite modem following V.25 spec.

import logging
import threading
import time

from serial import Serial

from .constants import AtErrorCode, AtParsingState
from .crcxmodem import apply_crc, validate_crc
from .nimoutils import dprint, vlog

VLOG_TAG = 'atcommand'
DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT = 3   # seconds
VRES_OK = '\r\nOK\r\n'
VRES_ERR = '\r\nERROR\r\n'
RES_OK = '0\r'
RES_ERR = '4\r'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AtCommandBuffer:
    """A command/response buffer for communicating with a NIMO modem.
        serial (serial.Serial): The Serial object/stream used for communications
        echo (bool): Echo enabled on commands (default True)
        verbose (bool): Verbose response codes (default True)
        quiet (bool): Suppressed response codes (default False)
        crc (bool): CRC/checksum request/response enabled (default False)
        ready (threading.Event): Blocks new requests until pending response
            has completed or timed out.
    def __init__(self, serial: Serial) -> None:
        self.echo: bool = True
        self.verbose: bool = True
        self.quiet: bool = False
        self.crc: bool = False
        if not isinstance(serial, Serial):
            raise ValueError('Invalid serial port')
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Connecting to %s (%d baud)',
             , serial.baudrate)
        self.serial = serial
        self._char_delay: float = 8 / serial.baudrate
        self._pending_command: str = None
        self._rx_buffer: str = ''
        self._orphaned: str = ''
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
    def is_data_waiting(self) -> bool:
        """Indicates if data is in the serial receive buffer."""
        return self.serial.in_waiting > 0
    def _update_orphaned(self, to_add: str, max_size: int = ORPHAN_MAX_BYTES):
        if len(self._orphaned) > max_size:
            _log.warning('Dumping orphaned data: %s', dprint(self._orphaned))
            self._orphaned = ''
        self._orphaned += to_add
    def read_rx_buffer(self,
                       read_until: str = '',
                       timeout: int = 0,
                       strip: bool = False,
                       ) -> 'str|None':
        """Reads data from the serial receive buffer.
            timeout (int): Optional timeout in seconds to wait for data.
                If 0, will stop reading when no character is waiting.
            The data string if any was present, else `None`.
        if not isinstance(timeout, int):
            timeout = 0
        with self._lock:
            self.serial.flush()   # wait for anything sent prior to be done
            rx = ''
            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time < timeout or timeout == 0):
                while (self.serial.in_waiting > 0):
                    rx += self._read()
                if ((read_until and rx.endswith(read_until) and
                     len(rx) > len(read_until)) or timeout == 0):
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            if rx:
                _log.debug('Read from serial: %s', dprint(rx))
                _log.debug('No data waiting on serial buffer')
        return rx.strip() if strip else rx
    def send_at_command(self, at_command: str) -> None:
        """Submits an AT command to the NIMO modem to solicit a response.
        Must be followed by `read_at_response`.
        Use `get_response` to retrieve expected output (not OK or ERROR).
            at_command: The command to send.
        dump_buffer = self.read_rx_buffer()
        if self._lock.locked():
            _log.debug('%s waiting for pending command %s',
                       at_command, self._pending_command)
        self._pending_command = at_command
        if self.crc and '*' not in at_command:
            self._pending_command = apply_crc(at_command)
        self._pending_command += '\r'
        self.serial.flush()   # ensure it gets sent
        if dump_buffer:
            _log.warning('Orphaned RX buffer: %s (sending %s)',
                         dprint(dump_buffer), dprint(self._pending_command))
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Sent on serial: %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
    def read_at_response(self,
                         prefix: str = None,
                         timeout: int = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT,
                         tick: int = 0) -> AtErrorCode:
        """Parses the pending AT command response into a buffer.
        Use `send_at_command` prior to calling.
        Use `get_response` to retrieve the parsed response.
            prefix: Optional prefix to remove from the response.
            timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for response (default 3)
            tick: Optional debug for timeout countdown in seconds
            Error code indicating success or reason for parsing error.
            `OSError` if there is no pending command.
        if not isinstance(timeout, int):
            timeout = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT
        if not self._pending_command:
            raise OSError('No pending command to read response for')
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Parsing response for %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
        self._rx_buffer = ''
        parsing = AtParsingState.ECHO if self.echo else AtParsingState.RESPONSE
        result_ok: bool = False
        crc_found: bool = False
        error: AtErrorCode = AtErrorCode.OK
        peeked: str = ''
        start_time = time.time()
        countdown = timeout
        while (time.time() - start_time < timeout and
               parsing < AtParsingState.OK):
            while ((self.serial.in_waiting > 0 or peeked) and
                   parsing < AtParsingState.OK):
                if peeked:
                    self._rx_buffer += peeked
                    peeked = ''
                    self._rx_buffer += self._read()
                last = self._rx_buffer[-1]
                if last == '\n':
                    if (parsing == AtParsingState.ECHO or
                        not self._rx_buffer.startswith('\r\n')):
                        xdata = self._rx_buffer.split('\n', 1)[0] + '\n'
                        _log.warning('Orphaned pre-command data: %s',
                        self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(xdata, '', 1)
                    if self._rx_buffer.endswith(VRES_OK):
                        result_ok = True
                        parsing = self._parsing_ok()
                    elif self._rx_buffer.endswith(VRES_ERR):
                        parsing = self._parsing_error()
                    elif parsing == AtParsingState.CRC:
                        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                            _log.debug('CRC parsing complete')
                        if not result_ok:
                            parsing = AtParsingState.ERROR
                            if validate_crc(self._rx_buffer):
                                parsing = AtParsingState.OK
                                _log.error('Invalid CRC')
                                parsing = AtParsingState.ERROR
                                error = AtErrorCode.INVALID_RESPONSE_CRC
                                result_ok = False
                    # else response line terminator - keep parsing
                elif last == '\r':
                    if self._rx_buffer.endswith(self._pending_command):
                        if self._rx_buffer != self._pending_command:
                            xdata = self._rx_buffer.replace(
                                self._pending_command, '')
                            _log.warning('Orphaned pre-command data: %s',
                        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                            _log.debug('Echo received - clearing RX buffer')
                        self._rx_buffer = ''
                        parsing = AtParsingState.RESPONSE
                        old_parsing = parsing
                        if self.serial.in_waiting == 0:
                            parsing = self._parsing_short(parsing)
                            peeked = self._read()
                            if peeked == '*':
                                parsing = self._parsing_short()
                        if old_parsing != parsing:
                            result_ok = parsing == AtParsingState.OK
                    if parsing == AtParsingState.CRC and not crc_found:
                        if last == '*':
                            crc_found = True
                            _log.warning('Unexpected CRC character %s', last)
            if parsing >= AtParsingState.OK:
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Parsing complete')
            if tick > 0 and self._rx_buffer == '':
                countdown -= tick
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Countdown: %d', countdown)
        # end while < timeout
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG) and self._rx_buffer:
            _log.debug('Raw response: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
        if parsing < AtParsingState.OK:
            if result_ok:
                if self.verbose and self._rx_buffer.endswith('\r'):
          'Detected non-verbose - setting flag')
                    self.verbose = False
                elif self.crc and not crc_found:
          'CRC expected but not found - clearing flag')
                    self.crc = False
                    error = AtErrorCode.CRC_CONFIG_MISMATCH
                _log.warning('AT command timeout during parsing')
                error = AtErrorCode.TIMEOUT
        elif parsing == AtParsingState.ERROR:
            error = AtErrorCode.ERROR
            if not self.crc and crc_found:
                _log.warning('CRC detected but not expected - setting flag')
                self.crc = True
                error = AtErrorCode.CRC_CONFIG_MISMATCH
            self._rx_buffer = ''
            if (self.crc):
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Removing CRC')
                crc_length = 7
                if (self._rx_buffer[-crc_length:].startswith('*') and
                    # CRC terminates response so remove it
                    self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer[:-crc_length]
                    _log.warning('CRC expected but not found - reset flag')
                    self.crc = False
            to_remove = VRES_OK if self.verbose else RES_OK
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(to_remove, '')
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Removed result code: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
            if prefix:
                self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(prefix, '', 1)
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Removed prefix: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.strip()
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Trimmed leading/trailing whitespace: %s',
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace('\r\n', '\n')
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace('\n\n', '\n')
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Consolidated line feeds: %s',
        # cleanup
        self._pending_command = ''
        if self._lock.locked():
        return error
    def get_response(self) -> str:
        """Get the response following a read operation and clear the buffer."""
        response = self._rx_buffer
        self._rx_buffer = ''
        return response
    def _read(self) -> str:
        """Read an ASCII character or generate a warning."""
        char =
            return char.decode()
        except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
            _log.error('Discarding undecodable [%d] (%s)', ord(char), exc)
            return ''
    def _parsing_ok(self) -> AtParsingState:
        """Internal helper for parsing valid response."""
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Result OK for %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
        if not self.crc:
            if 'CRC=1\r' in self._pending_command.upper():
                _log.debug('%s enabled CRC - set flag', self._pending_command)
                self.crc = True
                return AtParsingState.CRC
            if ('CRC=0\r' in self._pending_command.upper() or
                ('Z' in self._pending_command.upper() and
                 not self.serial.in_waiting)):
                _log.debug('%s disabled CRC - reset flag', self._pending_command)
                self.crc = False
                return AtParsingState.CRC
        return AtParsingState.OK
    def _parsing_error(self) -> AtParsingState:
        """Internal helper for parsing errored response."""
        _log.warning('Result ERROR for: %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
        if self.crc or self.serial.in_waiting > 0:
            return AtParsingState.CRC
            if self.serial.in_waiting > 0:
                return AtParsingState.CRC
        return AtParsingState.ERROR
    def _parsing_short(self, current: AtParsingState = None) -> AtParsingState:
        """Internal helper for parsing short code responses."""
        if (self._rx_buffer.startswith('\r\n') or
            not self._rx_buffer.endswith((RES_OK, RES_ERR))):
            # just read too fast, keep parsing
            return current
        if self._rx_buffer.endswith((RES_OK, RES_ERR)):
            # check if it's really a response code or part of data
            rc = RES_OK if self._rx_buffer.endswith(RES_OK) else RES_ERR
            if ('\r\n' in self._rx_buffer and
                self._rx_buffer.split('\r\n')[-1] != rc):
                # doesn't actually end in a result code, keep parsing
                return current
        if self.verbose:
            _log.warning('Clearing verbose flag due to short response: %s',
            self.verbose = False
        if self._rx_buffer.endswith(RES_OK):
            return self._parsing_ok()
        return self._parsing_error()

    def get_ophaned(self) -> str:
        """Gets orphaned data and clears the orphaned buffer"""
        orphaned = self._orphaned
        self._orphaned = ''
        return orphaned


class AtCommandBuffer (serial: serial.serialposix.Serial)

A command/response buffer for communicating with a NIMO modem.


serial : serial.Serial
The Serial object/stream used for communications
echo : bool
Echo enabled on commands (default True)
verbose : bool
Verbose response codes (default True)
quiet : bool
Suppressed response codes (default False)
crc : bool
CRC/checksum request/response enabled (default False)
ready : threading.Event
Blocks new requests until pending response has completed or timed out.
Expand source code
class AtCommandBuffer:
    """A command/response buffer for communicating with a NIMO modem.
        serial (serial.Serial): The Serial object/stream used for communications
        echo (bool): Echo enabled on commands (default True)
        verbose (bool): Verbose response codes (default True)
        quiet (bool): Suppressed response codes (default False)
        crc (bool): CRC/checksum request/response enabled (default False)
        ready (threading.Event): Blocks new requests until pending response
            has completed or timed out.
    def __init__(self, serial: Serial) -> None:
        self.echo: bool = True
        self.verbose: bool = True
        self.quiet: bool = False
        self.crc: bool = False
        if not isinstance(serial, Serial):
            raise ValueError('Invalid serial port')
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Connecting to %s (%d baud)',
             , serial.baudrate)
        self.serial = serial
        self._char_delay: float = 8 / serial.baudrate
        self._pending_command: str = None
        self._rx_buffer: str = ''
        self._orphaned: str = ''
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
    def is_data_waiting(self) -> bool:
        """Indicates if data is in the serial receive buffer."""
        return self.serial.in_waiting > 0
    def _update_orphaned(self, to_add: str, max_size: int = ORPHAN_MAX_BYTES):
        if len(self._orphaned) > max_size:
            _log.warning('Dumping orphaned data: %s', dprint(self._orphaned))
            self._orphaned = ''
        self._orphaned += to_add
    def read_rx_buffer(self,
                       read_until: str = '',
                       timeout: int = 0,
                       strip: bool = False,
                       ) -> 'str|None':
        """Reads data from the serial receive buffer.
            timeout (int): Optional timeout in seconds to wait for data.
                If 0, will stop reading when no character is waiting.
            The data string if any was present, else `None`.
        if not isinstance(timeout, int):
            timeout = 0
        with self._lock:
            self.serial.flush()   # wait for anything sent prior to be done
            rx = ''
            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time < timeout or timeout == 0):
                while (self.serial.in_waiting > 0):
                    rx += self._read()
                if ((read_until and rx.endswith(read_until) and
                     len(rx) > len(read_until)) or timeout == 0):
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            if rx:
                _log.debug('Read from serial: %s', dprint(rx))
                _log.debug('No data waiting on serial buffer')
        return rx.strip() if strip else rx
    def send_at_command(self, at_command: str) -> None:
        """Submits an AT command to the NIMO modem to solicit a response.
        Must be followed by `read_at_response`.
        Use `get_response` to retrieve expected output (not OK or ERROR).
            at_command: The command to send.
        dump_buffer = self.read_rx_buffer()
        if self._lock.locked():
            _log.debug('%s waiting for pending command %s',
                       at_command, self._pending_command)
        self._pending_command = at_command
        if self.crc and '*' not in at_command:
            self._pending_command = apply_crc(at_command)
        self._pending_command += '\r'
        self.serial.flush()   # ensure it gets sent
        if dump_buffer:
            _log.warning('Orphaned RX buffer: %s (sending %s)',
                         dprint(dump_buffer), dprint(self._pending_command))
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Sent on serial: %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
    def read_at_response(self,
                         prefix: str = None,
                         timeout: int = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT,
                         tick: int = 0) -> AtErrorCode:
        """Parses the pending AT command response into a buffer.
        Use `send_at_command` prior to calling.
        Use `get_response` to retrieve the parsed response.
            prefix: Optional prefix to remove from the response.
            timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for response (default 3)
            tick: Optional debug for timeout countdown in seconds
            Error code indicating success or reason for parsing error.
            `OSError` if there is no pending command.
        if not isinstance(timeout, int):
            timeout = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT
        if not self._pending_command:
            raise OSError('No pending command to read response for')
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Parsing response for %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
        self._rx_buffer = ''
        parsing = AtParsingState.ECHO if self.echo else AtParsingState.RESPONSE
        result_ok: bool = False
        crc_found: bool = False
        error: AtErrorCode = AtErrorCode.OK
        peeked: str = ''
        start_time = time.time()
        countdown = timeout
        while (time.time() - start_time < timeout and
               parsing < AtParsingState.OK):
            while ((self.serial.in_waiting > 0 or peeked) and
                   parsing < AtParsingState.OK):
                if peeked:
                    self._rx_buffer += peeked
                    peeked = ''
                    self._rx_buffer += self._read()
                last = self._rx_buffer[-1]
                if last == '\n':
                    if (parsing == AtParsingState.ECHO or
                        not self._rx_buffer.startswith('\r\n')):
                        xdata = self._rx_buffer.split('\n', 1)[0] + '\n'
                        _log.warning('Orphaned pre-command data: %s',
                        self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(xdata, '', 1)
                    if self._rx_buffer.endswith(VRES_OK):
                        result_ok = True
                        parsing = self._parsing_ok()
                    elif self._rx_buffer.endswith(VRES_ERR):
                        parsing = self._parsing_error()
                    elif parsing == AtParsingState.CRC:
                        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                            _log.debug('CRC parsing complete')
                        if not result_ok:
                            parsing = AtParsingState.ERROR
                            if validate_crc(self._rx_buffer):
                                parsing = AtParsingState.OK
                                _log.error('Invalid CRC')
                                parsing = AtParsingState.ERROR
                                error = AtErrorCode.INVALID_RESPONSE_CRC
                                result_ok = False
                    # else response line terminator - keep parsing
                elif last == '\r':
                    if self._rx_buffer.endswith(self._pending_command):
                        if self._rx_buffer != self._pending_command:
                            xdata = self._rx_buffer.replace(
                                self._pending_command, '')
                            _log.warning('Orphaned pre-command data: %s',
                        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                            _log.debug('Echo received - clearing RX buffer')
                        self._rx_buffer = ''
                        parsing = AtParsingState.RESPONSE
                        old_parsing = parsing
                        if self.serial.in_waiting == 0:
                            parsing = self._parsing_short(parsing)
                            peeked = self._read()
                            if peeked == '*':
                                parsing = self._parsing_short()
                        if old_parsing != parsing:
                            result_ok = parsing == AtParsingState.OK
                    if parsing == AtParsingState.CRC and not crc_found:
                        if last == '*':
                            crc_found = True
                            _log.warning('Unexpected CRC character %s', last)
            if parsing >= AtParsingState.OK:
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Parsing complete')
            if tick > 0 and self._rx_buffer == '':
                countdown -= tick
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Countdown: %d', countdown)
        # end while < timeout
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG) and self._rx_buffer:
            _log.debug('Raw response: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
        if parsing < AtParsingState.OK:
            if result_ok:
                if self.verbose and self._rx_buffer.endswith('\r'):
          'Detected non-verbose - setting flag')
                    self.verbose = False
                elif self.crc and not crc_found:
          'CRC expected but not found - clearing flag')
                    self.crc = False
                    error = AtErrorCode.CRC_CONFIG_MISMATCH
                _log.warning('AT command timeout during parsing')
                error = AtErrorCode.TIMEOUT
        elif parsing == AtParsingState.ERROR:
            error = AtErrorCode.ERROR
            if not self.crc and crc_found:
                _log.warning('CRC detected but not expected - setting flag')
                self.crc = True
                error = AtErrorCode.CRC_CONFIG_MISMATCH
            self._rx_buffer = ''
            if (self.crc):
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Removing CRC')
                crc_length = 7
                if (self._rx_buffer[-crc_length:].startswith('*') and
                    # CRC terminates response so remove it
                    self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer[:-crc_length]
                    _log.warning('CRC expected but not found - reset flag')
                    self.crc = False
            to_remove = VRES_OK if self.verbose else RES_OK
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(to_remove, '')
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Removed result code: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
            if prefix:
                self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(prefix, '', 1)
                if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                    _log.debug('Removed prefix: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.strip()
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Trimmed leading/trailing whitespace: %s',
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace('\r\n', '\n')
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace('\n\n', '\n')
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Consolidated line feeds: %s',
        # cleanup
        self._pending_command = ''
        if self._lock.locked():
        return error
    def get_response(self) -> str:
        """Get the response following a read operation and clear the buffer."""
        response = self._rx_buffer
        self._rx_buffer = ''
        return response
    def _read(self) -> str:
        """Read an ASCII character or generate a warning."""
        char =
            return char.decode()
        except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
            _log.error('Discarding undecodable [%d] (%s)', ord(char), exc)
            return ''
    def _parsing_ok(self) -> AtParsingState:
        """Internal helper for parsing valid response."""
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Result OK for %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
        if not self.crc:
            if 'CRC=1\r' in self._pending_command.upper():
                _log.debug('%s enabled CRC - set flag', self._pending_command)
                self.crc = True
                return AtParsingState.CRC
            if ('CRC=0\r' in self._pending_command.upper() or
                ('Z' in self._pending_command.upper() and
                 not self.serial.in_waiting)):
                _log.debug('%s disabled CRC - reset flag', self._pending_command)
                self.crc = False
                return AtParsingState.CRC
        return AtParsingState.OK
    def _parsing_error(self) -> AtParsingState:
        """Internal helper for parsing errored response."""
        _log.warning('Result ERROR for: %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
        if self.crc or self.serial.in_waiting > 0:
            return AtParsingState.CRC
            if self.serial.in_waiting > 0:
                return AtParsingState.CRC
        return AtParsingState.ERROR
    def _parsing_short(self, current: AtParsingState = None) -> AtParsingState:
        """Internal helper for parsing short code responses."""
        if (self._rx_buffer.startswith('\r\n') or
            not self._rx_buffer.endswith((RES_OK, RES_ERR))):
            # just read too fast, keep parsing
            return current
        if self._rx_buffer.endswith((RES_OK, RES_ERR)):
            # check if it's really a response code or part of data
            rc = RES_OK if self._rx_buffer.endswith(RES_OK) else RES_ERR
            if ('\r\n' in self._rx_buffer and
                self._rx_buffer.split('\r\n')[-1] != rc):
                # doesn't actually end in a result code, keep parsing
                return current
        if self.verbose:
            _log.warning('Clearing verbose flag due to short response: %s',
            self.verbose = False
        if self._rx_buffer.endswith(RES_OK):
            return self._parsing_ok()
        return self._parsing_error()

    def get_ophaned(self) -> str:
        """Gets orphaned data and clears the orphaned buffer"""
        orphaned = self._orphaned
        self._orphaned = ''
        return orphaned


def get_ophaned(self) ‑> str

Gets orphaned data and clears the orphaned buffer

Expand source code
def get_ophaned(self) -> str:
    """Gets orphaned data and clears the orphaned buffer"""
    orphaned = self._orphaned
    self._orphaned = ''
    return orphaned
def get_response(self) ‑> str

Get the response following a read operation and clear the buffer.

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def get_response(self) -> str:
    """Get the response following a read operation and clear the buffer."""
    response = self._rx_buffer
    self._rx_buffer = ''
    return response
def is_data_waiting(self) ‑> bool

Indicates if data is in the serial receive buffer.

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def is_data_waiting(self) -> bool:
    """Indicates if data is in the serial receive buffer."""
    return self.serial.in_waiting > 0
def read_at_response(self, prefix: str = None, timeout: int = 3, tick: int = 0) ‑> AtErrorCode

Parses the pending AT command response into a buffer.

Use send_at_command prior to calling. Use get_response to retrieve the parsed response.


Optional prefix to remove from the response.
Maximum time in seconds to wait for response (default 3)
Optional debug for timeout countdown in seconds


Error code indicating success or reason for parsing error.


OSError if there is no pending command.

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def read_at_response(self,
                     prefix: str = None,
                     timeout: int = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT,
                     tick: int = 0) -> AtErrorCode:
    """Parses the pending AT command response into a buffer.
    Use `send_at_command` prior to calling.
    Use `get_response` to retrieve the parsed response.
        prefix: Optional prefix to remove from the response.
        timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for response (default 3)
        tick: Optional debug for timeout countdown in seconds
        Error code indicating success or reason for parsing error.
        `OSError` if there is no pending command.
    if not isinstance(timeout, int):
        timeout = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT
    if not self._pending_command:
        raise OSError('No pending command to read response for')
    if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
        _log.debug('Parsing response for %s', dprint(self._pending_command))
    self._rx_buffer = ''
    parsing = AtParsingState.ECHO if self.echo else AtParsingState.RESPONSE
    result_ok: bool = False
    crc_found: bool = False
    error: AtErrorCode = AtErrorCode.OK
    peeked: str = ''
    start_time = time.time()
    countdown = timeout
    while (time.time() - start_time < timeout and
           parsing < AtParsingState.OK):
        while ((self.serial.in_waiting > 0 or peeked) and
               parsing < AtParsingState.OK):
            if peeked:
                self._rx_buffer += peeked
                peeked = ''
                self._rx_buffer += self._read()
            last = self._rx_buffer[-1]
            if last == '\n':
                if (parsing == AtParsingState.ECHO or
                    not self._rx_buffer.startswith('\r\n')):
                    xdata = self._rx_buffer.split('\n', 1)[0] + '\n'
                    _log.warning('Orphaned pre-command data: %s',
                    self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(xdata, '', 1)
                if self._rx_buffer.endswith(VRES_OK):
                    result_ok = True
                    parsing = self._parsing_ok()
                elif self._rx_buffer.endswith(VRES_ERR):
                    parsing = self._parsing_error()
                elif parsing == AtParsingState.CRC:
                    if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                        _log.debug('CRC parsing complete')
                    if not result_ok:
                        parsing = AtParsingState.ERROR
                        if validate_crc(self._rx_buffer):
                            parsing = AtParsingState.OK
                            _log.error('Invalid CRC')
                            parsing = AtParsingState.ERROR
                            error = AtErrorCode.INVALID_RESPONSE_CRC
                            result_ok = False
                # else response line terminator - keep parsing
            elif last == '\r':
                if self._rx_buffer.endswith(self._pending_command):
                    if self._rx_buffer != self._pending_command:
                        xdata = self._rx_buffer.replace(
                            self._pending_command, '')
                        _log.warning('Orphaned pre-command data: %s',
                    if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                        _log.debug('Echo received - clearing RX buffer')
                    self._rx_buffer = ''
                    parsing = AtParsingState.RESPONSE
                    old_parsing = parsing
                    if self.serial.in_waiting == 0:
                        parsing = self._parsing_short(parsing)
                        peeked = self._read()
                        if peeked == '*':
                            parsing = self._parsing_short()
                    if old_parsing != parsing:
                        result_ok = parsing == AtParsingState.OK
                if parsing == AtParsingState.CRC and not crc_found:
                    if last == '*':
                        crc_found = True
                        _log.warning('Unexpected CRC character %s', last)
        if parsing >= AtParsingState.OK:
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Parsing complete')
        if tick > 0 and self._rx_buffer == '':
            countdown -= tick
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Countdown: %d', countdown)
    # end while < timeout
    if vlog(VLOG_TAG) and self._rx_buffer:
        _log.debug('Raw response: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
    if parsing < AtParsingState.OK:
        if result_ok:
            if self.verbose and self._rx_buffer.endswith('\r'):
      'Detected non-verbose - setting flag')
                self.verbose = False
            elif self.crc and not crc_found:
      'CRC expected but not found - clearing flag')
                self.crc = False
                error = AtErrorCode.CRC_CONFIG_MISMATCH
            _log.warning('AT command timeout during parsing')
            error = AtErrorCode.TIMEOUT
    elif parsing == AtParsingState.ERROR:
        error = AtErrorCode.ERROR
        if not self.crc and crc_found:
            _log.warning('CRC detected but not expected - setting flag')
            self.crc = True
            error = AtErrorCode.CRC_CONFIG_MISMATCH
        self._rx_buffer = ''
        if (self.crc):
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Removing CRC')
            crc_length = 7
            if (self._rx_buffer[-crc_length:].startswith('*') and
                # CRC terminates response so remove it
                self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer[:-crc_length]
                _log.warning('CRC expected but not found - reset flag')
                self.crc = False
        to_remove = VRES_OK if self.verbose else RES_OK
        self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(to_remove, '')
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Removed result code: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
        if prefix:
            self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace(prefix, '', 1)
            if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
                _log.debug('Removed prefix: %s', dprint(self._rx_buffer))
        self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.strip()
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Trimmed leading/trailing whitespace: %s',
        self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer.replace('\n\n', '\n')
        if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
            _log.debug('Consolidated line feeds: %s',
    # cleanup
    self._pending_command = ''
    if self._lock.locked():
    return error
def read_rx_buffer(self, read_until: str = '', timeout: int = 0, strip: bool = False) ‑> str|None

Reads data from the serial receive buffer.


timeout : int
Optional timeout in seconds to wait for data. If 0, will stop reading when no character is waiting.


The data string if any was present, else None.

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def read_rx_buffer(self,
                   read_until: str = '',
                   timeout: int = 0,
                   strip: bool = False,
                   ) -> 'str|None':
    """Reads data from the serial receive buffer.
        timeout (int): Optional timeout in seconds to wait for data.
            If 0, will stop reading when no character is waiting.
        The data string if any was present, else `None`.
    if not isinstance(timeout, int):
        timeout = 0
    with self._lock:
        self.serial.flush()   # wait for anything sent prior to be done
        rx = ''
        start_time = time.time()
        while (time.time() - start_time < timeout or timeout == 0):
            while (self.serial.in_waiting > 0):
                rx += self._read()
            if ((read_until and rx.endswith(read_until) and
                 len(rx) > len(read_until)) or timeout == 0):
    if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
        if rx:
            _log.debug('Read from serial: %s', dprint(rx))
            _log.debug('No data waiting on serial buffer')
    return rx.strip() if strip else rx
def send_at_command(self, at_command: str) ‑> None

Submits an AT command to the NIMO modem to solicit a response.

Must be followed by read_at_response. Use get_response to retrieve expected output (not OK or ERROR).


The command to send.
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def send_at_command(self, at_command: str) -> None:
    """Submits an AT command to the NIMO modem to solicit a response.
    Must be followed by `read_at_response`.
    Use `get_response` to retrieve expected output (not OK or ERROR).
        at_command: The command to send.
    dump_buffer = self.read_rx_buffer()
    if self._lock.locked():
        _log.debug('%s waiting for pending command %s',
                   at_command, self._pending_command)
    self._pending_command = at_command
    if self.crc and '*' not in at_command:
        self._pending_command = apply_crc(at_command)
    self._pending_command += '\r'
    self.serial.flush()   # ensure it gets sent
    if dump_buffer:
        _log.warning('Orphaned RX buffer: %s (sending %s)',
                     dprint(dump_buffer), dprint(self._pending_command))
    if vlog(VLOG_TAG):
        _log.debug('Sent on serial: %s', dprint(self._pending_command))